One-on-One Dog Training Options

This isn't your typical dog training adventure. 

We offer so much more. When you become a part of the DEV crew, you're not just getting us for an hour a week, you've got us for as long as you want us! Our clients get all the benefits, like: 

  • A program tailored to you and your dog(s). We have a general flow to our program, of course, but every dog and every family is a little different. We tweak the process to make it work for you and your lifestyle. 
  • First, we establish a strong relationship and communication set that you can use to guide your dog. Then we dive deeper into problem areas like teaching the loose leash walk, greeting guests calmly, reactivity, aggression towards people and other animals, puppy problems, and more! 
  • Access to exclusive services like structured boarding and daycare! So long as you're keeping up with crating at home, your pup will be welcome to stay with us while you're out of town, or they can come hang for the day for a little extra TLC! 
  • Unlimited lifetime support. You could be struggling with something the day after your lesson, no problem! Give us a call, or send over a video and we'll give ya tips to keep you on track until your next lesson. Or, your lessons may be done, but your dog may throw a curveball down the line and we're still here to help! Call, text, or email us anytime and we'll make time to answer your questions, talk through your concerns, and celebrate your wins! 
  • Lifetime access to our online DEV Client Community! In the community, we post training tips, host monthly Live Chats, and announce dates for our free monthly group practices! We also encourage you to post questions or videos of your practice too! If you have a question, others likely do too, so don't be shy!
    • Invitations to our free weekly Group Practices and monthly Live Chats. Each week we get together so we can walk, train, and give our dogs exposure to other dogs in a safe environment with like minded owners who get it. Each month, we get on a video call in our Community to chat about a topic of members' choosing! We have a backlog of Live Chats saved already with topics ranging from reactivity to muzzle training to puppy raising that you can watch right away! 
    • Having a solid support system, not only from us, but from our other clients as well. Our folks have worked through the process just like you're about to do. Having folks to relate to and connect with when you're starting out is invaluable! 

On to your training options! 

No matter your location or budget, we have a program for you! Read on for details about our programs and scroll for our price sheet below!

We offer In-Home Private Lessons, Virtual Coaching, Day Train and
Board & Train!

For Private Lessons, Day Train, and Board & Train, we are primarily serving Oakland County, Lapeer County, and Macomb County including, but not limited to: Oxford, Rochester Hills, Auburn Hills, Rochester, Oakland Township, Lake Orion, Metamora, Lapeer, Clarkston, Waterford, Sterling Heights and the surrounding areas.

Or if you were thinking about going the online courses route, click here for DEV Online!

In-Home Private Lessons

Private lessons are for us to teach you how to train your dog. 

We will identify your goals with your pup(s), tailor a dog training plan to reach those goals, and get to work! During the lessons, we'll work with you and your dog(s) so you can improve your skills. Then we'll give you homework to practice until the next lesson. 



The Private Lesson program includes: 

  • Your Consultation to set goals, evaluate your pup, and get you started on your training journey! 
  • The DEV Online Basics Course. All of our programs come with our signature Basics Course, so we can really get into the weeds! There is so much knowledge we want to give you, so working through the Basics Course alongside in person instruction gives you the opportunity to take your understanding to another level! 
  • Five private lessons at your home or ours. During the hour long lessons, we will move through the program at your pace and focus on exercises you need to practice to meet your goals with your pup. 

Private lessons are for you if:

  • You're wanting in person help, but not so intensive that Day Train or Board & Train are in order. 
  • You are driven, hands on, and want to do the majority of your pup's training. 
  • Your dog's behavior "problems" are minor and you're confident in your ability to work through them. Some examples are stopping leash pulling, mild reactivity, jumping up on guests, stopping excessive barking, etc. 

Virtual Coaching

Virtual Coaching follows the same format as In-Home Private Lessons, but from afar! 
We can still help you meet your goals with your pup even if you are not a local! We will still set you and your dog up for success, coach you through exercises during your lesson time, answer any questions you have, and provide you with homework to continue your progress!

The Virtual Coaching program includes: 

  • Your Consultation to set goals, evaluate your pup, and get you started on your training journey! 
  • The DEV Online Basics Course. All of our programs come with our signature Basics Course, so we can really get into the weeds! There is so much knowledge we want to give you, so working through the Basics Course alongside in person instruction gives you the opportunity to take your understanding to another level! 
  • Five Virtual Coaching sessions. These sessions work similarly to our Private Lessons, but via our DEV Online Portal! You'll have an hour to chat with myself or Corey, so we can support you as you work through the Basics Course and beyond! 

Virtual Coaching is for you if:

  • The Private Lessons reasons resonated with you but you are not a Detroit Metro local. 
  • You are immune compromised and can't risk being exposed to anything, but still want to grow your understanding of your canine companion.


Day Train

Day Train is the best of both worlds! Your dog gets one on one time with us during the day while you're at work or getting non-dog related stuff done, and is home with you each night! We have a two day a week package and a four day a week package available to suit yours and your dog's needs! 

The Day Train programs include: 

  • Your Consultation to set goals, evaluate your pup, and get you started on your training journey! 
  • The DEV Online Basics Course. All of our programs come with our signature Basics Course, so we can really get into the weeds! There is so much knowledge we want to give you, so working through the Basics Course alongside in person instruction gives you the opportunity to take your understanding to another level! 
  • Either two days a week or four days a week of training with us for one month. During the day, your pup will get 2-4 training sessions with either myself or Corey tailored to their needs whether that's working on walking, home manners, basic obedience, etc. 
  • Five private lessons at your home or ours. You can choose when these take place. We can schedule your lessons weekly alongside the Day Train days, save them for after the Day Train portion is complete, or a blend of both. Whichever works best for you!  

Day Train is for you if: 

  • You want your dog to have some time with us pros, but still want them home each night. 
  • You currently send your dog to doggy daycare, but want a more productive alternative. Traditional daycare can cause all kinds of behavioral problems, since your pup is in a chaos zone for 8+ hours. Our Day Train program focuses on teaching your pup new skills that will work towards your goals instead of creating more problems. 
  • You plan to use our structured daycare or boarding service in the future. Having a month of consistent visits will get your pup acclimated to us and our house, so future shorter stays will be less stressful and more fun!  

Board & Train

Board & Train is an excellent option for folks who want to jump start their training. 
Your dog will stay with us in our home to be fully immersed in our program. Just like the other programs, we tailor your dog's stay and teach them the foundational skills they need to be successful in this crazy human world.

The Board & Train program includes: 

  • Your Consultation to set goals, evaluate your pup, and get you started on your training journey! 
  • The DEV Online Basics Course. All of our programs come with our signature Basics Course, so we can really get into the weeds! There is so much knowledge we want to give you, so working through the Basics Course alongside in person instruction gives you the opportunity to take your understanding to another level! For B&T, it's especially nice since you can work through the course while your pup is with us! The time you would have spent with your pup can be used to watch through the videos instead!  
  • A minimum of 3 weeks of training with us in our home. The only two humans who will have access to your pup are Corey & I. Plus, we only take on two to four B&T pups at a time, so your dog will get ample one on one time every day! 
  • A Midway Session where we will chat through your pup's progress and help you set up your home so your pup re-acclimates quickly after their B&T is complete. 
  • 3+ private lessons post B&T at your home. Each additional week of B&T comes with 1 additional private lesson! 

Board & Train will be the ticket if: 

  • Your dog has moderate to severe behavior problems like reactivity, resource guarding, aggression towards people or other animals, etc.  
  • You simply want us to start the process! There's no shame in making life easier for yourself! Board & Train gives the opportunity to work with one "learner" at a time instead of two. We can focus on teaching your dog clearly and efficiently first, and then when their stay is complete, we can focus on your skills. Of course, in the meantime, you'll have our Basics Course to jump start your own education, so we can dive right into the fun stuff when we bring your pup home to you.
  • You have a vacation planned anyway and need a place for your pup to stay. Your pup might as well learn a whole new skillset while you're off on your adventures! 
  • You need a reset. Sometimes taking a break from the day to day to take a breather is just what the doctor ordered. You can take that time to learn through the Basics Course and come back to hands on training refreshed.  
  • Your dog is the fearful or anxious sort. B&T is like sending a human kiddo to summer camp. It is a huge growth and confidence building experience! 
  • You plan to have your dog stay with us for structured boarding or daycare at some point in the future. Having a longer stay up front will allow them to truly settle into the routine here, so when they come back for a stay, they will feel right at home and you'll be at ease while on your vacation too!
Ready to get started? Click here!
Want to see our 2024 Price Sheet first? Click here!

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